Midwest Sperm Bank rigorously screens and tests its sperm donors using guidelines established by The American Association of Tissue Banks, The American Society for Reproductive Medicine and all related allied health associations. The majority of our donors are undergraduate and graduate students from local colleges and universities. Some are married professionals with children. Our donors come from a variety of sources, including direct referrals, advertisements in university newspapers and professional contacts.
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Donor Screening Process
Each potential donor undergoes a rigorous and comprehensive screening process which can take up to eight (8) weeks to complete prior to acceptance into our program as well as a complete physical examination. Each potential donor is required to complete an application form which includes:
- A detailed personal and three (3) and if applicable four (4)-generation family medical genetic history and a psychological profile.
- A short profile which summarizes the physical and personal characteristics and traits of the donor and
- A consent and specimen release document.
The potential donor also undergoes several interviews with our staff concerning his family background, personal health, and sexual behavior. Prior fertility is noted, but is not required for acceptance into the program. In addition to several comprehensive semen analysis and post-thaw evaluations, the donors must also undergo screening for infectious diseases as well as sexually transmitted diseases in addition to genetic testing. All donors starting with donor #480 undergo the comprehensive Counsyl Test which tests for over 100 recessive genetic disorders. All donors prior to donor #480 were tested for the fundamental Counsyl Test. All donors are required to report any significant changes in their health status, especially with regard to exposure to infectious diseases while participating in the program. All frozen semen specimens must meet Midwest Sperm Bank’s minimum quality standard of 20 million total motile sperm per vial and 30% motility post-thaw.
All potential donors undergo extensive testing which includes:
- Blood Group and Rh factor
- Chlamydia Trachomatis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Total Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibodies (IGg + IGm). If positive then CMVIGg and CMVIGm.
- Hepatitis B Core Antibody
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
- Hepatitis B Viral Antibody
- HIV – 1 & HIV – 2
- HTLV -1 & HTLV – 2
- Neisseria Gonorrhea
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
- Syphilis (RPR Serology)
and the Comprehensive Counsyl Genetic Test.
In addition, all donors undergo an oral Medical History Interview, which is an At-Risk Behavior Evaluation and Assessment consisting of 33 screening questions concerning the donors’ social behavior and exposure to relevant communicable diseases. At the same time, the donor is given a Physical by the Medical Director to determine overall general health and whether the donor is in a HIGH RISK GROUPand/or Practicing High Risk Behavior.
All donor specimens are quarantined for a minimum of 180 days and are not release before the donor undergoes a Repeat Comprehensive Screening.